
Phone Number

+39 3313471504


Press Office

Contacts for ongoing exhibitions

Antonio Ligabue

Tina Modotti


Accreditation by the Press Office of Palazzo Pallavicini is granted only if the visit to the exhibition is aimed at the realization of a journalistic service.

The Editorial Board must request accreditation for the journalist sent, indicating the name and date and sending the email to at least 48 hours before the visit to the exhibition.

Please note that all journalists have the possibility to access the exhibition by taking advantage of the reduced ticket by presenting the registration card to the Order updated directly at the ticket office.

how to reach us

Via San Felice, 24 Bologna (IT)
By foot:
  • 6 minutes from Piazza Maggiore: proceed along Via Ugo Bassi; at the end of the street, you’ll start on Via San Felice.
  • 15 minutes from the Central Station (approximately 1.2 km): take Via Amendola, continue straight through the roundabout onto Via Marconi, and at the end of the road, you’ll start on Via San Felice.
Public transportation and taxi:
  • From the Central Station, take Bus 21 on Via Amendola and get off after 4 stops, at the end of Via Marconi. Then, continue on foot for 2 minutes to Via San Felice.
  • From the airport, take the shuttle to the Central Station, then catch Bus 21 on Via Amendola. Get off after 4 stops, at the end of Via Marconi, and walk for 2 minutes to Via San Felice.
  • Taxi Bologna 0510909 
  • Blue Car Service with driver 0516646666
Immagine interni Palazzo Pallavicini a Bologna